Is It Time to Change Your Paper?
From frustration to favourites: my journey through different papers led to unexpected breakthroughs in technique. Looking at the same subject on different surfaces reveals how paper choice shapes both process and result. Here's what I've learned about matching surfaces to your artistic style
Pushing Through the Foliage: Lessons Learned
I share my step-by-step journey through dense foliage - where careful planning, unexpected solutions, and a few muttered expletives led to new techniques for creating depth in dark areas.
A Beginner's Guide to Drawing Clouds in Coloured Pencil
Forget everything you know about drawing clouds - discover how negative space and gentle transitions can transform your approach to these ethereal subjects.
Getting Started with Composition
Sometimes the most powerful compositions come from instinct rather than rules - discover how your artistic eye is already working its magic.
Why Start a BIG Project?
Big projects aren't just about size - they're about ambition, growth, and finding joy in stepping beyond your comfort zone.
Art Hobby to Art Career Part II
Published in Jan 2024, this post chronicles the next steps in my art career and why my metrics for success may look different to others’.
Replicating Reflections
Here, I talk about the story behind some of my favourite pieces - my cat reflected in a window. Two of these have now won awards.
Find your happy place
Start viewing time for joyful activity as indispensable, and you start finding more of it. Repost of Times Education Higher article (28 Sept 2023).
Art Hobby to Art Career
I live in Norfolk, UK, and I’m thrilled to say that at the age of 40, I’ve just started my art career. This post reflects on the first few months of that journey.